Belly slim | Lose Weight | Lose Belly Fat | How To Lose Belly Fat | Cavitation Machine | 76F1SBMAX

[Music] apply and rub oil on abdomen with both hands three times wrap stomach back and forth with both hands three to five times lift belt vessel meridian on both sides of the waist with both hands alternately 16 [Music] times lie on the side alternately push from the sides of the waist to abdomen with both hands three to five times slide front side of the waist with both hands three to five times rub in small circles on sides of the waist with both hands alternately three to five times push front sides of the waist to groin and belly level with both hands alternately three to five times [Music] do the same on the other side forty thousand dissolved fat operation forty thousand ultrasound dissolves fat at a rate of forty thousand times per second and then removes the fat through body metabolism apply gel evenly on waist and abdomen adjust energy parameters adjust time to 15 minutes energy to 40 percent mode 2 according to the customer's needs lie flat starting from one side of the waist lift the device to abdomen and groin and lies three times repeat the previous operation on the other side three times move the device on abdomen in small circular motions three times [Music] move the device on abdomen in big circular motions three times move the probe to shape the waist as if riding ate three to five times move the probe up and down to shape the waist three to five times [Music] combine with hand lift belt vessel meridian on both sides of the waist 16 times wipe clean abdomen with hot towel vacuum rf massage vacuum rf combines vacuum suction and rf dredging channels is burning templates firming and shaping and relieving fatigue apply essential oil or rf cream evenly on the waist and abdomen adjust energy parameters adjust time to 15 minutes rf energy to 40 percent mode 2 pro vacuum to mode 2 [Music] live flat move the device on waves in big circular motions 3 times [Music] move the device on both sides of the waist back and forth three times [Music] re-adjust energy parameters to shape waist and abdomen adjust rf energy to 50 percent mode to pro adjust vacuum to mode 1 the direct section mode lie flat starting from one side of the waist lift the probe to abdomen and growing and lines three times repeat the previous operation on the other side three times lie on the side combined with hand start front sides of the waist to growing in lines five to eight times move the probe up and down to shape the waist five to eight times combined with hand start front sides of the waist to growing in lines five to eight times do the same on the other side [Music] fix the strap on the abdomen dissolve fat with laser pass remove excess fat on the waist and abdomen reduce excess fat and improve loose and saggy skin fix the laser pads on abdomen with excess fat adjust energy parameters adjust energy to 100 percent time to 20 to 30 minutes adjust to mode 1 and click to start operation remove laser pads and straps wipe the abdomen with hot towel [Music] you

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